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Feng Shui Orientation: Focus on Health and Positive Energy image

Saturday 10 October 2020

Feng Shui Orientation: Focus on Health and Positive Energy


The stressful lifestyle of modern day life has led the Western world searching for alternative, East ways of approaching and tackling everyday problems. In general, our home is an extension of our personality, that's why it's crucial to talk about the importance of feng shui home orientation!

What is Feng Shui?

Some call it a philosophy, others see it as a kind of “religion” while others consider it as an “energy scam”. But what is the real meaning of feng shui? Feng shui is an ancient and complex Asian science based on mathematical formulas and the observation of nature, aiming to approach the view of space and time.

Scientists of that time came to the conclusion that humans are interconnected with nature and that each of element of the nature affects humans differently, depending on their position and place. Through this observation comes the literal meaning of the words “feng shui”, meaning  “air” and “water”, the two most basic elements of the Earth. Therefore, Feng Shui is a science that aims to position humans and their living environment in places that have the best energy structure according to nature, space and time.

Basic Rules of Feng Shui

Foremost, keep in mind that feng shui dictates that each person and space have their own distinct energy identity and should be treated accordingly. A basic rule is that there must be harmony between the space and the person living in it, so that he or she can act positively and effectively. So, let's take a look at some basic rules of feng shui home orientation!

Initially, in order for a house to be “favored”, its shape must be symmetrical with a simple, distinct floor plan and defined levels. Feng Shui suggests that it is better for your house to face the South, because this is the most auspicious point of the horizon. Also make sure that your entrance faces an opening and not a mountain. Moreover, the correct lighting and ventilation of a house play a fundamental role. Not only they ensure good hygiene conditions, but they can also increase the flow of positive energy throughout your space.

According to feng shui, a point of entry, such as a door or a balcony door, should not be directly opposite one another. That rule also applies to the main entrance of the house, which should not face another side entrance or a large window. Furthermore, your house should have wide and well lit spaces instead of long and narrow corridors. As a general rule, the most negative geometric shapes that affect bioenergy and spatial energy are straight lines and sharp angles.

The so-called “armchair configuration” suggests that when placing a furniture, you must always place their back side towards a wall. For this reason, feng shui recommends that, corner sofas, or other furniture, should always have their backrests towards the wall. Also, make sure that there are no obstacles, such as trees and plants, in the front of your entrance door.

When it comes to feng shui interior decoration, asymmetrical, natural materials should be used as much as possible, while walls should be painted in soft colors. Particular importance is given to the shape and the placement of mirrors. Always choose a round or oval shaped mirror and place it at the right height. According to feng shui, if a mirror is placed incorrectly, it can cause discomfort and headache. Finally, one of the most basic rules of feng shui is that personal spaces must be kept in perfect order and free from useless objects.

Start applying these basic rules of feng shui and select the correct living room and bedroom furniture for a successful home decor. Create a prosperous feng shui decor that will promote the flow of positive energy throughout your house.